Monday, February 16, 2009

Liquor Tax Increase in KY Sucks

I've been waiting a bit to write an opinion about the recent tax increases on liquor and tobacco. While I understand the need for government to find was to pay its aging work forces benefits I wonder at the methods of getting that tax money. Taxing tobacco seems logical, and let me tell you I'm surprised it has gotten through. KY has some hard lobbying tobacco producers in KY and they don't like hurting the wallets of its puffy purchasers. No, tobacco has some how managed to miss the bullet many times. On the flipside, however, alcohol consistently gets the shaft in KY.

Forty-nine of Kentucky’s 120 counties don’t allow alcohol sales, and another 41 place restrictions on it, not to mention KY has some of the highest taxes on alcohol in the country (*Tom Eblen). Now I'm no genius, but is it right that only 41 counties contribute to this fiscal crisis?

So what is the answer? Perhaps legalize Mary Jane and make it state regulated? Perhaps we could raise KY income taxation. I don't know - I'm just a drinker, with a little less in his wallet now. What do you think about the tax increase? Where do you think we should get the money from?

For more info >>

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