Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Seagrams 7 ain't worth $20

I've been drinking too much a lot lately, and I thought I would let you guys know what I've been drinking. Well I've been hitting the bourbon pretty hard as well as some vodka and tequila and other assorted liquors. I've all but stopped drinking beer. The whole "less filling" thing is bull shit. I don't care what they are talking about... 12 oz is 12 oz, even when yer drunk, and having to ingest 6 beers with the same alcohol content as 6 shots, well the 6 shots win.

These are the libations I've been drowning myself in:
  • Evan Williams: Has to be the best cheap bourbon I've ever had. Getcha sum

  • Canadian Mist: It's canadian whiskey. My mainstay for pretty much ever has been Seagrams 7, but my local Rite Aid raised the price, so now I've been forced to switch. How sad is it when you have to search for cheaper pastures because your previously $16.99 handle was raised to $18.99. I'm sorry, but I don't think Seagrams 7 is worth $20 bucks... call me a snobby cheap drunk, but that is what I am.

  • Gordons Vodka: Their claim to fame is "The most mixable vodka" and I have to agree there. Don't shoot it, cuz it sux, but if yer mixin Bloody Marys or Cape Cods or anything else, Gordons hides well, and the best part it's cheap!

  • Random Brandy: Brandy never gets any credit, but dude, it is 80 proof and cheap as balls. It mixes pretty good with soda, and did I mention it is 80 proof! Brandy runs about $8 or $9 a fifth for the cheap stuff and it is a little lighter than whiskey. If you haven't try it out. It gets ya drunk

  • What cheap booze do you drink?

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