Sunday, November 16, 2008

UK Athletics got F'd in the A

It was one difficult week to be a UK Fan. Friday night UK basketball got its ass handed to it by VMI...I'll be the first to say WTF? First off, who the F is VMI? Second... How the F did they score over a hundred points? If Mr. Meeks hadn't been on our team, we would not have lost by 7 points.. we would have lost by like 30 points. I'm not going to start bashing billy G... but damn! Those hot shot ballers that make up UK's B-ball team should be required to do some kind of punishment... perhaps make the entire team eat a box of exlax and watch themselves shit on each other, just to get the idea of what it was like watching them play... Whatever the case, it was a lousy game, but an entertaining one none-the-less. You know those hypothetical situations you think up when your drunk, you know - like I wonder what 20 turn overs looks like, well we got to see that..

Moving onto Football, UK's shit streak, and I don't mean the one in their underwear, continued. UK lost to Vanderbilt. I suppose I could start bitching about how our offense sucked donkey balls, or how our Freshman quarterback choked and lost the game, but I'd rather not. Rich Brooks has done wonders for the Football program and it is fantastic to have the opportunity to lose by a close margin, or perhaps win (granted the stars and moon and heavens properly align). Since he's coached, I've seen some unbelievable shit, and I'm grateful. I'd also like to thank him for Saturday's game fulfilling a few hypothetical situations (as mentioned before, like what roughing the punter looks like and what it does to prospects of winning the game. Our football team answered that question 3 times, and all the answers sucked.

So, next week is a new week and hopefully it won't suck so much to bleed blue.

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