Are you like many of the Lexingtonians that don't have New Year's plans until the last minute. I know I am. I never know what I'm doing or not doing until the last minute. The only thing I know I'll be doing New Year's is getting ripped. But where? Well there are a few options.
1. Go down town. There are plenty of places to go downtown. Most places will be having drink specials of some sort, and it should be a good time. The good thing about down town is that there are lots of bar really close to one another. If you don't like the skeezy lushes at one bar, go get your drink on at another. I'm sure that Victorian Square will get blowed up this year since there are so many options in such a small place. That's my bet where the party will be.
2. Go to a Hotel. Hotels are notorious for throwing big New years bashes. Bigg Blue martini at the Hotel previously known as the Radison is throwing a $50 (drink but don't stay )drunk fest or the $259 drink and pass out at our hotel package. Other notables is the reuniting and then disbanding of Long Duk Dong at the Holiday Inn North on Newtown pike. These are just a few tasty morsels of awesome going on at local hotels in the area.
3. Go to a Strip club. New years is definitely a holiday with a high potential for getting ass. You mix party goers with booze and you've got the mixing of a cocktail party, no pun intended. But for those of you, who just can't stand the possibility of no titties, a strip club is the answer. New Years at a strip club actually sounds like fun, of course I like booze and I like titties, but having a wife nixes most of the things I like. So for all you guys and gals who don't have balls or chains, get yer self to a strip club to watch the ball drop. Place to go? Platinum Plus is throwing a big one for $10 cover.
4. Go out for dinner. If your idea of excitement is watching Dancing with the Stars, perhaps a bar is a little to crazy for you. Maybe you should concentrate on smaller venues and just hit up a good restaurant. Most nice restaurants have New Year's meals that have a little something special. Ruby Tuesdays has a 3 or 4 course meal for couples on New Years, not to mention $10 bottles of wine. Not too shabby for those who don't mind a chain. Other potentials are Dudleys or any other restaurant in town.
5. Go to a friends party. This one is tricky, cuz it requires having friends. If you do have friends, then go out with them. If you don't go to a strip club. A few ones ($1) will get you some psuedo-friends for the evening.
6. House Party with Jim and Jack. Nothing says New Year's like drinking alone at home. I've not done it, but it is always a possibility. . . . . wait. Don't party at home by yourself, Go to a strip club.
Are you a caring girl friend or spouse, who just loves to please her man? If so, have I got a great gift idea for you. Nothing says "I support your drinking habit" more than a subscription to the beer of the month club. World Beer Direct has a beer club, wine club and cigar club to pick from. The beer of the month club ranges from 12 to 24 beers per month. The prices range from $19 to $50 plus shipping and handling. There is a catch though, you have to pay for atleast 3 months. What that means is that a full 12 months of beer goodness is $395. That may seem a little steep to most, but love is expensive. Check out World Beer Direct for all the hoppy details.
Ezra Brooks... Is Ezra a man's name or a woman's? I don't know.. After taking it I'd think man. Here's why. It's pretty cheap. I bought a 5th for $7.99 which is cheap in my book. Men are cheap. We like things affordable and simple. Ezra is simple. The label is simple, the taste is simple and the bite is a little boring. The bourbon mixes really well. Not too sweet not too harsh. I could easily drink this all night long. Straight it is kind of bourbon-esque. Nothing like the shitty KY Gentleman, but not really lasting. The bite is there, then it's gone. Ezra comes in a few different styles. The one I had was the cheap one obviously. The bottle states: Since 1800Ezra Brooks remains the perfect way to cap off the day. Ezra brooks White Label is a genuine sour mash, bottled at a mellow 80 proof; aged naturally in new charred white oak barrels and charcoal filtered for a distinctive flavor.
So, is it true.. yeah sure.
The novelty. It has a cork in the bottle.
Overall... it is definitely worth the $7.99 ... I'd buy it again.
It isn't good when your drinking effects your choice in clothes. When the inevitable occurs it is good to know there are clothiers out there ready to supply your demands. is the first of its kind. A beer hoodie is simply a hoodie with a coozie built in. This 3rd pocket is ready to let any college drunk remain hands free at social functions. Not to only does this fine piece of clothing make you marsupial-like, but it ultimately makes triple fisting a reality.
Beer Hoodies are customizable with your college name, frat name, or your name, if you are concerned about people knowing who the "cool" guy is.
I've been drinking too much a lot lately, and I thought I would let you guys know what I've been drinking. Well I've been hitting the bourbon pretty hard as well as some vodka and tequila and other assorted liquors. I've all but stopped drinking beer. The whole "less filling" thing is bull shit. I don't care what they are talking about... 12 oz is 12 oz, even when yer drunk, and having to ingest 6 beers with the same alcohol content as 6 shots, well the 6 shots win.
These are the libations I've been drowning myself in:
Evan Williams: Has to be the best cheap bourbon I've ever had. Getcha sum
Canadian Mist: It's canadian whiskey. My mainstay for pretty much ever has been Seagrams 7, but my local Rite Aid raised the price, so now I've been forced to switch. How sad is it when you have to search for cheaper pastures because your previously $16.99 handle was raised to $18.99. I'm sorry, but I don't think Seagrams 7 is worth $20 bucks... call me a snobby cheap drunk, but that is what I am.
Gordons Vodka: Their claim to fame is "The most mixable vodka" and I have to agree there. Don't shoot it, cuz it sux, but if yer mixin Bloody Marys or Cape Cods or anything else, Gordons hides well, and the best part it's cheap!
Random Brandy: Brandy never gets any credit, but dude, it is 80 proof and cheap as balls. It mixes pretty good with soda, and did I mention it is 80 proof! Brandy runs about $8 or $9 a fifth for the cheap stuff and it is a little lighter than whiskey. If you haven't try it out. It gets ya drunk
Kentucky Gentleman is like drinking the sweat of a drunk who drank bourbon. It looks and kind of tastes like bourbon, but the finish is really alcoholy tasting.. not like a bourbon finish, more like a grain alcohol finish. How could that be???? Perhaps it is caused by the actual inclusion of grain alcohol in the production of the POS drink.
Kentucky Gentleman is made by Barton Brands and contains only 51% bourbon. The rest is donkey piss I'm sure, cuz that is what it tastes like. I know.. I've had a fifth of donkey piss before.
The only good thing about this shit is the fact it is $6.99. and it will get you drunk.
Bourbon is .... is.... amazing. If you aren't 21 and have been drinking for a few years, whisky rules, but bourbon's best. Hey, I can't help it, I'm from the land of Bourbon and Horses, and I love it. What I typically don't like about bourbon is the price tag. Bourbon prices range from about $7 (cheap) to ridiculous. What I am looking for is a good mix between price and taste, or in this test, drink ability.
For my test I wanted to try really cheap booze. Everyone can talk about Jim Beam and Makers, but what do us poor-folk drink when we don't have $14 or more to drop to drink. Well I've got some choices.
Kentucky Tavern (purchased for 8.99) (two thumbs up) This shit is cheap in Lex. and it is pretty good. Even gave it an 86 rating, but hell who knows where they are, or even if they know what they're talking about. My first hand experience with the product was good. It mixes well, you can drink it straight (even though I wouldn't) and it is (most importantly) cheap. For a little more than the price of an extra value meal, you and a friend can get ripped.
Evan Williams (purchased for 8.99) (two thumbs way up) This is a really smooth with a good warm finish. I like it a lot. It makes me feel funny inside and it is tasty. Evan's bottle looks like Jack Daniels, which is probably on purpose. Over all this was probably my fav of all that I have tried, and it is pretty cheap. In fact over at wikipedia, they say that it is the second highest selling bourbon in KY. Good stuff
It was one difficult week to be a UK Fan. Friday night UK basketball got its ass handed to it by VMI...I'll be the first to say WTF? First off, who the F is VMI? Second... How the F did they score over a hundred points? If Mr. Meeks hadn't been on our team, we would not have lost by 7 points.. we would have lost by like 30 points. I'm not going to start bashing billy G... but damn! Those hot shot ballers that make up UK's B-ball team should be required to do some kind of punishment... perhaps make the entire team eat a box of exlax and watch themselves shit on each other, just to get the idea of what it was like watching them play... Whatever the case, it was a lousy game, but an entertaining one none-the-less. You know those hypothetical situations you think up when your drunk, you know - like I wonder what 20 turn overs looks like, well we got to see that..
Moving onto Football, UK's shit streak, and I don't mean the one in their underwear, continued. UK lost to Vanderbilt. I suppose I could start bitching about how our offense sucked donkey balls, or how our Freshman quarterback choked and lost the game, but I'd rather not. Rich Brooks has done wonders for the Football program and it is fantastic to have the opportunity to lose by a close margin, or perhaps win (granted the stars and moon and heavens properly align). Since he's coached, I've seen some unbelievable shit, and I'm grateful. I'd also like to thank him for Saturday's game fulfilling a few hypothetical situations (as mentioned before, like what roughing the punter looks like and what it does to prospects of winning the game. Our football team answered that question 3 times, and all the answers sucked.
So, next week is a new week and hopefully it won't suck so much to bleed blue.
Everyone loves a good margarita; I know I do. But where is the best place to get one? The answer is a trick one. The best margarita is one served with buddies.
The best margarita is the 2 for 1 margarita.... Ha... I'm so clever.
however there are some really fantastic places in Lexington to get a margarita and below I will expound on them...
LOS ALAZANES, Lexington KY (Harrodsburg RD, Next to The Wafflehouse at Red Mile) This place has got the best margaritas in Lexington. They are sooo good. Fresh, good tequila, and very little sweet and sour. You could drink a bucket of these and not suffer the dreaded heart burn associated with heavy consumption of this delectable mexican libation. Out of all of the places I've gotten margaritas this one is my first pick for awesomeness... The food is also killer and the atmosphere is pretty top notch. If you've never been, check it out. They also have 2 fer 1 margs on Thursday, and probably other nights if it is slow and you tip your server. Don't tell them I told you that. The typical marg is $4.25 and worth every damn penny.
RINCON, Lexington KY (Next to Charlie Browns on Euclid) Every college kid over 21 has experienced the awesome that is RINCON! The place looks like a pinata filled with awesome exploded. The food is great, but the real reason everyone goes is the super liquored frozen margaritas. I'm pretty sure their deal is every Tues and Thurs, and they may even throw a Sunday in too...Givem a call to find out. The great part of their margaritas is the selection. You can get on the rocks or frozen, and if you opt for frozen you can pick from 10 flavors ranging from strawberry to orange, or if you are really drunk, red to orange.
Mi Pacenia Hacienda (off Lansdown) This place used to be owned and run by the same peeps that run Rincon. When I first moved to lex this was the place for margaritas. The location is excellent and probably the biggest of all the restaurants listed. They serve up the same awesome margaritas that Rincon on Euclid do. One excellent addition to this location over Rincon is the amazing patio. This place is hopping in good weather and on the weekends they usually have some mexican band on hand to annoy the patrons. It is great if you're drinkin and rowdy, but not so great if you aren't impressed by Hispanic men in super tight sequenced jump suits singing spanish songs drunk patrons sing along too even if they don't know spanish or the song. That was a long sentence, but makes sense if you've ever been.
When I want a Margarita, I go one of these places.... where do you go?
Halloween 08 occurred on the weekend, which meant I was buttered for most of it. Did I dress up? Does a good buzz make me a bee? I guess I was a bee.
For Friday, I buzzed around Main Street Live. It was a good crowd. I was attending the private party upstairs, but none-the-less, it was a good time. Best costume I saw was the "He's Thinking Arby's" Guy. It had to be the easiest costume of all time. The worst costume was definitely one of the forty Sarah Palin's I saw. I'm thought it was great the first time I saw it back the day after she was announced as McCain's bitch. I wonder if Sarah Palin went as Sarah Palin for Halloween. That would have been original.
Saturday, I went to another party. That one sent me stumbling home. Best costume there, uhhh not any. There were some silly costumes, but nothing that stuck out. Of course there was a Sarah Palin or two at that party too... Good times.
So.... What was the shittiest costume you saw this Halloween?
Don't have plans on Saturday? Perhaps you should get your ass down to UK and Tailgate the 3rd from last Home football game. Show your support by eating some pig and screaming at some razor back fans. If that doesn't sound like a good time, then I hope your Saturday SUCKS! I'm sure there are some other things you could do like go to Keeneland or set at home and watch that Greys Anatomy episode you missed. I know it is a late game. It doesnt' start till 6 PM and that is probably like, an hour before your bed time, and I 'm sure you'll be tired from all that prune eating and Bengay rubbing you did earlier in the day. But if you got some blue in your blood and you decide not to wuss out, goto the game or find a bar to get soused at. I know I'll be out supporting my man-crush for Rich Brooks.
The past 2 years has completely transformed the Fayette Mall Plaza. The mall area has been littered by new eateries and places to get your drink on after a grueling day of consumerism. Saul Good is just one of those places to open in the Fayette Mall Plaza. SO how does it fair? Should you go or stick to TGIFridays?
GO! Saul Good's menu is filled with traditional items created in non-traditional flair. You'll see pizzas and burgers, but expect more than a traditional pie. They've got a mexican pizza, that will make sad you called it Mexican (I'm shameful, I know). The other pizzas are fricken awesome too.. Truthfully I've only had one pizza and it was the Argentinian Steak pizza with steak, pesto, peppers and a brie cheese. It was the bomb. But to my credit I did sniff someone else's pizza while there.
Besides pizza's they got burgers and sandwiches, and beer and a desert list that will make any sugar-nut nut. The burgers look good. Haven't had any, but they look good. The sandwiches, look good, but haven't been tried. SO what else did I try besides the pizza?
Beer. I had a beer. I had a Red Hook Seasonal harvest ale beer. It was good and reasonably priced ($3.75) Saul Good's got a pretty good beer selection. They've a few Goose Island drafts, and Sam Adams and Guinness and draft KY ALE Bourbon Barrel. You're not going to find anything too rare, but expect good beer. One novelty is that they have a vertical glass cleaner to rinse your glass before they pour which is cool, and they also have a refrigerated draft despensing system that ices the tap and serves the beer at the perfect chilled temperature.
Now all that stuff is really cool and all, and you won't be disappointed, but I know what you're thinking... "Booze Monster, Why should I really go to Saul Good?" Well, I'm glad you asked. YOu should go for the White Chocolate Cheese cake. Is it worth the $8? Is a Thai hooker worth $100?? ABSOLUTELY! Saul Good's White Chocolate Cheese Orgasm is like losing your virginity to Angelina Joli (That goes for men and women).
SO if I your poor like me, have a slice at the mall cafeteria, then run over to Saul Good for a hunk of cheese cake then stop by Liquor Barn for a 24 pack of Jacob's best for $9. It will be the best $25 you ever spent.
Happy belated b-day Todd. I was there to celebrate, but this is the official shout out. So Todds Karaoke off Alexandria dr. turned 5 last Saturday, Oct. 3rd. There was karaoke and beer and drinks and lots of people, singing and drinking beer. It was really cool. They also had drawings for prizes and stuff. In fact, my girl won us some awesome AC/DC apparel, which I'm never going to take off.
Overall it was an excellent turnout and super fun time, leading me to believe Todds will be around for another b-day or two.
Todds just turned 5. I remember before Todd's was Todd's it was a karaoke bar named "Bullfrog" and Beamers". It was pretty much the exact same bar, but with a different name.
Well.. I guess that is all. Way to go Todd's you old bastard you!
Saturday night I headed to Louisville to catch Ben Folds performing with the Louisville Symphony. Basically Ben is on tour, playing with symphonies around the country. I guess he sends them the music, they practice, then he shows up and they play. As hap-hazard as that sounds, the result is fantastic.
I know this little post is not booze or bar related, but to keep it real, they do serve booze at the Kentucky Center for the Arts. I know, cuz I saw peeps boozin' at the show.
SO, Ben played the KCA and it was freekin' p-i-m-p. It was the third time I've got to see Mr. Folds pound the keys. The first was when he toured by himself for his one man show tour or whatever it was called, and the second was at blazin' Bonnaroo in 06 I think, just before SuperSunnyspeedgraphic came out. It was so f'n hot and crowded, I barely remember being there. It was like watching fleas perform. Whatever the case, this was awesome. The symphony meshed well with his songs, and it was a really great way to see the songs I love performed.
The above video is from a similar show he did in Australia. It obviously isn't the performance I saw, but the arrangement is the same. You can imagine what I saw from the video.
If he's coming around you, then I'd suggest spendin the cheddar and check that sheeeet out.
I honestly don't know how I have missed reviewing Pazzo's Pizza Pub. There probably isn't a more popular pizza pub in Lexington. There are so many things to like (probably love) about Pazzos.
The first thing I love about Pazzos is the free parking if you eat there. Wait... no the first thing I love about Pazzos is the fantastic pizza. No, definitely the best part of Pazzos is the beer. The massive amounts of beer. The crazy huge amount of draft beers. I love beer, therefore I love Pazzos.
Back in the summer Pazzos added a patio and lounge area up stairs. It is pretty awesome. The patio is gigantic and great and awesome and great.
Let's talk about beer. Pazzos has like 25 taps with all kinds of crazy brews. They've got IPA's and Chocolate stouts. Their beer selection is out of control. They have a pretty good happy hour and they offer a daily beer special through the week. Their happy hour also has appetizer specials, which means you can get their hand tossed pretzels and marinara for like 3 bux.
Last Thursday we didn't know what to do. Regular bars sounded kinda lame, and sittin' at home sounded lamer. So we decided to goto Red Mile race track for some harness racing.
What is so impressive about this is the fact that I've been in Lexington for 10 years and had never been to regular harness racing at Red Mile. Sure like, 10% of Lexingtonians I had been to Red Mile, usually under the guise of some event, like Junior League, or maybe a concert, but like most Lexingtonians, I had never been to the actual races, that Red Mile was built for.
Red Mile is really the red headed step child of horse racing in Lexington. Everyone knows Keeneland, and EVERYONE goes to Keeneland. If you live in Lexington, there are two things you must do, support the Wildcats, Goto Keeneland. But somehow Red Mile slipped through the cracks and got forgotten about.
Unfortunately Red Mile doesn't have the glamor and glitz that Keeneland has. Keeneland is prestigious an well bred (thoroughbred). It has a paddock and well groomed grounds. Red Mile looks like some Communist fortress built around 1950. The facilities are a bit dated (yellow flourescent lighting) and the grounds are a tad shabby (okay alot shabby).
I'm done bashing, here's my review. AWESOME! Going to Red Mile is like going to a flea market you can bet at and drink beer. The cool thing about Red Mile is it runs at night, so you can go after work. The harness races are hillarious. Since the horses run with the jockey behind them they start the race in a trot. This means the gate is moving... how do they move? Well they are pulled behind a fitted Cadillac. AWESOME!! Want carny food? Red Miles got you covered. Want beer? Got you covered there.
Why was it so much fun? Because it was like going back in time. Going to a place that had been untouched by corporate hands. Red Mile is like going to a carnival, but with less people. I honestly am surprised that the college kids haven't started hitting it up. It's only 2 bucks to get in, and it doesn't require binge drinking all day (since it opens at 6 ish) like Keeneland. You can go, get lit, bet some horses, and not be ashamed of wasting the entire day.
Red Mile is something that Lexington needs to embrace. It was fun and I'm not ashamed to admit it. It was good times. Check out pictures and drink prices of Red Mile in Lexington KY
Ask anyone in Lexington where to go if you want to have over 200 different beers, they'll say Marikkas. Up until recently, you may be over joyed by the selection of beverages, but a little dismayed by the facilities to remove the used goods. In layman's terms, the shitters sucked. Well, no more. Upon a recent visit to Marikkas I was excited to see that they had knocked down a wall, built a larger restroom for the mens and moved the women's. Overall the new facilities make number 1 and number 2 AWESOME!!!!
My enthusiasm may seem a little over the top, but pisser's are important when picking a place to party. Girls especially don't want to go to a place that resembles a porta-john at a football tailgate. Not that Marikka's was ever that bad, but the improvement deserves some accolade! Thank you Marikka's, thank you very much.
It ain't a bar, but it is really really good. If you are in downtown Lexington, and you want to eat, it can be a challenge to find a place to eat. If you want a burger, then you have 2 maybe 3 choices. Well Caros is my pick of the lot. Most of you probably don't even know about it. Perhaps you saw as you stumbled from McCarthy's at 2 in the morning, but Caros isn't open, so you ultimately missed it. I admit it, I missed it too, and I work right across the street. But that doesn't matter, cause now you know.
When you go there, be prepare for a few thousand calories. Expect big burgers, expect big fries, expect big flavors. If you don't like meat, you'll have to settle for fries and slaw... but that still isn't bad.
Caros has the best fries ever. They may appear to be plain ole' crinkle cut fries, but these fries have got magic dust. The fries have a special secret seasoning that is unique to Caros. I've had seasoned fries before, but Caros magic fry dust makes me fly away.
For sandwiches you won't be disappointed. The Bo'ski (shown in the above picture) is a two meal-er. It is 1/2 pound of meat on sour dough, a layer of fries, slaw, and just about every other fixin' you'd expect. The Hot Country Club is another fantastic sandwich... think club, but grilled, and smothered in cheese. The Boozer is a seasonal, but it has got me back 2 times. It's a burger, grilled onions, jack cheese, Heavenly heavenly bacon, lettuce, tom, and the finisher that sends this sandwich over the edge is a glob of beer cheese... yes, it is truly a feat of American artistry. It may be the best 3000 calories I've ever ingested.
Ultimately I recommend anything on the menu as long as it has bacon on it. Caros puts real bacon on its food. You'll understand the difference as soon as you take a bite. Real bacon is good...
Soooo... if you aren't headed there yet, you're a fool. For more info check their site
When I moved to Lexington it was A1A Sandbar. Then it was Avio. Now it is Main Street Live. Over the years it has morphed from the serious music venue of Lexington into more of a nightclub-esque thing. I don't really know what to call it, but expect it to become revitalized.
As Avio shifted its music roots to more of a sports bar thing and High on Rose closed up and Lynaghs shut down its music venue, The Dame emerged and stole the music right out from under everyone. The Dame WAS the music venue for Lexington. Back in January, the news came in that the Webbs were demolishing the Dame block and taking Lexington's music scene with it. Well.... now the Phoenix rises.
The Dame, along with it's awesome booking talents, is taking over the vacant music venue portion of Main Street Live. It should be opening soon (Fall 08) and bringing bands back to Lexington.
Overall I think this is a great move for both bars, however it is going to be interesting how they approach this, since both bars will be under one roof.
Main Street Live is a conglomerate of adult entertainment. In the back you have the volley ball nets and deck, upstairs you have the karaoke club bar, downstairs you have the sports bar and downstairs and to the right you have the dance club / music venue.
JJ McBrewster's is not really a bar, but they do serve beer, sooo I'll givem' a pass this time. What is JJ's? It is a barbeque restaurant, that sounds like a bar. So, I got to check out JJ's the other day. Right off the bat...I'd give it a B-. Pros: The barbeque was top notch. Really juicy, fresh, and not overly sauced, so when you get it, you add whatever sauce you want to it. Good stuff. The atmosphere was good too. A little like a fast-sit-down restaurant. Prices were reasonable. and that is about it.
Cons: Service sucked. They're new and green, so I'll let it slide (this time). However, this time, I was worried I might not get waited on. Side dishes were a little bland too, but they worked well with the actual barbeque.
Overall I'd have to say that JJ's rivals Corky's and most other chain BBQ. I'd even say it is better than most, so I think the B- is fair.
Todd's may be a contender for the best karaoke in Lexington, not that there are many, but Todd's is a karaoke bar all the time. There is no, not Karaoke time at Todds. The place is in a pretty crappy shoppin center, but hey, it dont need a TGI Friday's next door to rock. What's to love? Awesome drink prices, and enthusiastic karaoker's... They got darts too..
What's not to love? For some reason I always wreak when I leave. I dont know how to describe the smell, but if you ever talk to someone who's been more than once, they know what yer talking about. Also, the music selection is pretty limited to stuff that is a decade or two old. Expect Rolling Stones, or Jimmy Buffet, or Hank Williams. Don't expect the newest Rhianna single.
I originally found this pic on, so I'll give them credit for the discovery. Now, they kinda made fun of the girls for such an invention calling them "Ballers on Budgets", but honestly, you have to give it to the girls for their ingenuity. I saw this and was astonished that I hadn't heard about this sooner at a tailgate or some other college party. I'm sure it works, so the next time I'm out tailgating or partying I'll have to spread the word.
I love me some German bier Halls, so don't be surprised that I loved my time at Gerst Haus. This place rocks. Super cheap beer, one stellar polka band and some great German Beer cuisine. I had the Philly Brat. I loved the Philly brat. I want some more Philly Brat. So, I think polka music was invented for drunk people. There is nothing better than getting lit dancing to some polka. While I was there I had some of the Gerst Haus beer, the price was right, but the taste was a bit shabby, kinda sour.. but it got me lit and that was the most important. If you still aren't convinced check out pictures of the Gerst Haus in Nashville. You can also find out about other Nashville bars.
McCarthy's is one of the premier Irish bars in Lexington. Located on the Upper block between Main and Vine, McCarthys survived the demolition across the street. What makes McCarthy's so memorable is its pub like feel and atmosphere. As soon as you walk in, you have the primal urge for an Irish car bomb (Irish whiskey, Irish cream liquor and a half glass of Guinness. The bar is billed with wood and horses. You can't get much more Irish. While at McCarthy's you gonna hear traditional Irish tunes... What does that mean? U2 with a serious dose of U2. McCarthy's is a rather large bar, that has grown with the decades. It started out with the main bar and added the Spider's Well next door shortly after. McCarthy's is a great place for a pint and that neighbory feeling you get with most Irish pubs. It's a great place to visit during the week, but it can be a little hectic and crowded on the weekends when the college invasion occurs. Why is it crowded? Because it is great. For more info on McCarthy's check out Drink
Can you say, "Overrated"? I can, and Giuseppe's is just that, overrated. I hate to be negative, but if I have to drop $15+ on an entree, it should at least be better than the spaghetti I make at home. We checked out Giuseppe's for a friends b-day. The location is nice; a bit secluded and in a wooded area off Nick-road. The facility seemed charming enough, but nothing spectacular. Then we got the menu... holy schnikes! Everything was off the charts. Well... once we sucked it up and ordered I was expecting gold leafed lettuce in our salad, with diamond studded croutons. Instead we got a pretty pathetic mixed green bowl of grass. Then the entrees came.... I got bland with a side of bland. It was really sad when I thought I needed some A1 for my steak and pasta. The only redeeming feature was the live jazz. That might get me back, but based on food alone, Giuseppe's is weak sauce.
Football season is upon us, which means you gotta find a good bar to drink beer and cheer on your teams. Lexington has all kinds of places to drink, which is good cause I like to drink, but when selecting a sports bar, atmosphere, food, specials and tvs are key to finding the perfect place to get soused.
Sports bars are all traditionally the same; Tv's, beer and an Americana menu with tons of sports memorabilia on the walls. Most of the time, better the sports bar, the more shit on the walls. I like knick-knacks, but that isn't the most important thing on game day, great drink and food specials along with glorious tv's, are a necessity.
Winchell's on Southland Dr. If you want to go local (and I love going local) there are a few sports pubs dotting the Lexington Bar-scape. My personal fav is Winchell's. The food is off the hook, the beer prices are amazing, the atmosphere wreaks of sports fans, and most importantly, it is off the main drag. This is in my top 5 of awesome Lexington Sports bars.
Campus Pub on Waller Ave. Super close to campus with great food, great drink prices, tv's and pool and darts. This place is for the college kid with A-D-D. Campus Pub is really fun to go, but it does have a tendency to get blowed up during games, but if you're looking for a crowd to get rowdy with, this is pretty unbeatable. Campus Pub is a must during basketball season, but it can be a bit tricky to get to during football season, since it is so close to campus.
I had the pleasure of dining at the Curry House last night. I'm a fan of Indian cuisine, so it is always fun to test out new joints. Curry House didn't disappoint.
Located in Zandale shopping center, you get what you get at most strip mall eateries. Curry House isn't going to wow you with atmosphere or ambiance; you get reasonable prices, and really really great food - booth style.
I had the Tikka Masala which was really great. My dish looked like most indian dishes, lots of flavor with a cream yogurt base, lots of spices, and a little heat just like I like it. The basmati was fresh and the garlic naan was awesome.
Overall it was a great experience. We did have to wait a bit, just because they only had one waitress on, but that was fine, since we weren't in any hurry. I will definitely be back. Check out the drink prices and addition photos for for Curry House
What is small, crowded and full of oysters? The Shuckin' Shack! That's what! Okay enough with the shenanigans. The Shack is located in Carolina Beach NC, right it downtown (not that there is much of one), just outside of Wilmington. The local eatery is more of a bar with a select menu. Upon entering, you'll see a long bar, and 4 or 5 small (small) tables. The bar is lit with pails or buckets that have been fitted with lights. To say the least, it is pretty much a shack. What the shack lacks in sophistication, it makes up for in pure awesomeness. The menu is simple; oysters (steamed) shrimp (big, steamed and still shelled) and maybe some chicken, but people go for the oysters.
You order your oysters by the dozen, 1/2 peck (a lot) or peck (ass load) The sides are just as simple, corn on the cobb and slaw.
SO my crew and I strolled in, got our table and ordered one of the "Hermit" meals, which would have fed an army of hermits. It had a pound of shrimp and a bucket of oysters (unshucked) 4 piece of corn, 2 slaws, and 8 hush puppies. Oh yeah, and 3 knives to shuck. Grand total was 39.99
3 of us ate, and ate well. The shrimp were out of this world. The oysters were super fresh and the sides amazing.
The drink prices were good, and service was good.
Was it messy? HELL YES! Was it good food? Probably the best of the trip. Was it worth going back to? Absolutely.
Shuckin' Shack in Carolina Beach... HIGHEST RATING EVER, but probably not the best place for a first date, oh and get there early. We were there on the off season and there was a wait.
My bar adventures are about to take me on an expedition to Wilmington North Caroline. As I was researching the area I stumbled upon a wonderful place, I just might have to drop in on. Captain Bill's Backyard grill looks like my kind of place; volleyball, beer, and most importantly SEAFOOD! Their motto seems to ring, "this ain't your usual fast food joint, so sit back,relax, watch volleyball or throw some shoes. we'll holler fur yaa!" As I said, this seems like my type of place.
Notable features that have me intrigued are $7 pitchers of draft brew, $6.95 half pound oysters and a seafood combo plate at just $10.50!!! HOLY MOLY!!
My wife and I were searching for cool places to check out in Philly before our trip. The Khyber was top of the list of places to check out in the old city while we were there. Unfortunately we were traveling with elderly parents and weren't able to stay out too late, but we did manage to check this rock club out. Khyber is located in the heavily bar-saturated 2nd street of old Philly. According to our bartender, Khyber is one of the oldest bars in Philadelphia that has never closed. It may have changed names or theme, but there has been a bar at that location for a very very very long time. It seems that even during Prohibition there was a speakeasy at the location.
The atmosphere of Khyber is is a punk/rock bar with little light, slim furnishing and cheap beer. While we were there, they had a cover charge at the door for the downstairs bar which was featuring a band. We skipped the music (due to our short visiting time) and opted for the upstairs bar which was slated to have a dj.
The bar was cool, and the bartender cooler. Everyone we met was super nice and easy to chat with. The beer prices are awesome. PBR for $1, and great Happy Hour prices on Yards and Domestic bottles.
Overall, Khyber would be a great place to check out for the music, but its awesome drink prices should be enough to get most through the door. Highly recommended for locals or visitors looking for a slick music venue with good drink deals in old city Philly.
Barley's located at 42 Biltmore Ave has plenty of room for live music, plenty of beer on tap to excite the most discriminating palate, and great pizza to fill the emptiest of bellies. Barley's is housed in what used to be an old renovated appliance store.
The tap room has 24 taps downstairs and an addition 19 upstairs. The beers are all over place, some local microbrews. some national microbrews and even a very few macrobrews. While we were there, I had a pitcher of Magic Hat #9, which was very delicious.
The pizza at Barley's is fresh and features local produce whenever possible. We had a Veggie pizza, that was very good.
Overall Barley's is a good pizzeria that shouldn't disappoint. The prices were a little high, but were competitive with most of Asheville's eateries. I had a good time, and wouldn't mind visiting again.
Devassa Cafe and Bar is one of the newest, and swankiest new bars in Lexington. As most Lexingtonians know, Lexington has had the death and birth of a few bars. With the loss of The Dame, Busters, Triple Crown Lounge and Club Z-1, more than a gapping hole was left in Lexington's Downtown Night Life. But with death comes new life. Devassa, was one of the 3 new bars opening in the Victorian Square.
Devassa is unique with its Brazilian-style theme and atmosphere. The bar specializes in mojitos and tappas appetizers.
Aside from the cool south american style, Devassa has taken over part of the music scene in Lexington. Expect live music most weekends and even through the week as bands and dj's become more of the wonderful amenities Devassa has to offer. Right off the bat Devassa has hosted such local acts as Symbiance and the Sexual Disaster Quartet.
"Best Rueben in Lexington KY" is a pretty bold statement, but I believe it to be true. Winchell's Bar and Grill is one of those little jewels of Lexington that only the locals know about. It isn't a chain, and it isn't owned by some mega-chagillionaire corporation. It is local and boy is it wonderful.
The menu is straight up Americana, and the beer is draft macrobrews. The atmosphere is 'local-sports-pub' and the specials are magnificent.
If you ask a Lexingtonian when they go to Winchell's you'll hear "Sunday Brunch" most of the time. This restaurant is noted for it's breakfast foods, but I say to give it a change for dinner. The Country Fried Steak with gravy is amazing, and so is the pulled pork dinner, but my fav of all fav's is the Rueben Sandwich with fries.
The Rueben is a delectable heap of corn beef on rye with thousand island and sweet vinegar slaw. The magic is in the slaw which substitutes most standard kraut. Does it make it bit different from a traditional rueben? Sure, but it doesn't matter, Reuben lovers and non-Reuben lovers will love this sandwich.
Winchell's is located on the very eclectic Southland Dr. of Lexington. It looks like a small shopping center eatery, but when you get through the doors it really is larger than it looks. If you go on Sunday, get there early, because it usually is packed.
Pyramid Breweries has a new seasonal coming out for fall. This brew is called "Broken Rake" and has a copper colored ale is full bodied and ready for consumption. Since it is a seasonal it is only available August through October so check it out while you can. It is available in bottles or on tap so expect it at some bar near you. Find out more about Broken Rake and Pyramid Breweries
Why do I like National Mechanics, located in Philadelphia? Well, that list would take about an hour to compose, so maybe I'll just list what I don't like about National Mechanic. . . Okay, well, for starters..... that isn't going to work either. It pretty much is one of the coolest bars I've ever been to. The atmosphere, the menu, the beer. It has it all.
Located in the historic district of Philadelphia, National Mechanics resides in an 1830's bank designed by famed architect William Strickland. The location looks more like a library, or ... bank than it does a bar. Thus, you get a bar, that totally sticks out from the rest of the pack. Next up is the menu.
National Mechanics sports a pretty awesome menu when it comes to bar grub. There are traditional burgers and fish and chips, but in addition you have things like calamari and humus. Probably the most celebrated menu item is the homemade Veggie Burger. Does it deserve the celebrity? Absolutely. The Veg Burg is flat out ridiculous in its awesomeness.
Aside from the menu (which definitely deserves props) the reason why people go to National Mechanics is the bar. This fine establishment has fantastic drink prices and specials rocking all day. If you want cheap, Yuengling is served on draft for a mere $2 all day long. If a pint just won't quench that thirst, then grab a pitcher for $6. If "cheap" isn't an issue, NM has 18 draft selections to keep your palate dancing, served in the coolest pint glasses ever.
Why I loved NM? The food, the beer, the crazy church pews, greyhound lights/atmosphere, the music. There is just too much to praise. National Mechanics is just too much fun. Check out pictures and prices of National Mechanics in Philadelphia or find out about more bars in the Philly area
Here is a very hillarious video of a report about a Hooters restaurant in Beijing China. I love the fact that the girls have to dance and get uniform inspections. It's great that China has the restaurant. I am really surprised that they do. Check it out
There is this fantastic German beer hall in Newport KY called Hofbrauhaus. The place serves authentic German fare, and most importantly, German bierre by the litre! The place absolutely rocks; everything from the beer to the German polka bands that fill the crowded hall with happy drinking tunes.
I have been lucky enough to check out the original Hofbrauhaus in Munich. Does Newport live up to the expectations of its older sibling? Absolutely! The fun atmosphere doesn't disappoint.
While dining at the Hofbrauhaus I had the Tilapia Po' Boy and my wife had the Pretzel ham sandwich. Both sandwiches were excellent. To wash it all down, I had the traditional Hofbrau Lager, which was especially excellent.
If I had to pick one thing to critize it would have to be the chips. They were hard home made chips, which my palate finds hard and bitter, I really should have gotten fries, but that is just personal opinion.
The Hofbrauhaus is located at Newport on the Levee, where there are more than enough choices to make an exciting evening. Highly recommended. Check out pictures of the Hofbrauhaus as well additional reviews of other Newport Bars
The Ludlow Bromley Yacht Club is located right outside of Covington KY in the small suburb of Ludlow. The bar is on the river and features a beautiful view. The bar is actually floating, and you have to enter it from a little walkway that is attached to the boat dock.
There aren't exactly many, if any yachts at the Yacht club, but that is just fine. The club has a pretty eclectic crowd. It serves food and live music and if you get there late on the weekend, expect to pay a cover. The bar is cash only, but an ATM is on premises.
I personally loved the Yacht club. It was a beautiful cool night. I had a great time, and the band playing was good. The only thing negative was the mens restroom. It was definitely small for the size of the bar, not to mention it had a trough from the 50's, so don't be shy guys.
Overall, I give it a 5 of 5. Why? It has a shark on the sign. Check out the pictures and reviews of the Ludlow Bromley Yacht Club or one of the other great Covington Bars.
I suppose this isn't new news, but there is a report out that says global climate change may be contributing to the failures of barley and hop crops.
According to Jim Salinger, a climate scientist at New Zealand’s National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research, the warming globe will likely cause a decline in the production of malting barley, which, when combined with the scarcity of hops right now, stands to have a profound and negative impact on the world’s beer supply starting now, and for decades to come.
It seems that weather related failure of hop crops in Germany and Slovenia are causing a worldwide shortage.
This news doesn't effect most light beer producing companies. This only seriously effects micro brews and craft brewers who tend to produce more sophisticated blends of beer that use more hops.
Hops are a flavoring and stability agent in beer. They are used to balance the sweetness of malt, creating a taste that is more balanced. Besides bitterness, hops can be described as having complex flavors. Some describe hops as having "grassy", "floral", "citrus", "spicy", "piney" and "earthy" aromas. In short, hops, make beer taste good.
Whether climate change is the cause, the fact remains that the beer industry is strained for hops. The price of beer will most likely increase.
I was up in Covington recently. I had the opportunity to drop into the great irish pub, Molly Malones. It was an excellent time. The bar is located in downtown Covington, located on 4th street. They have an excellent selection of draft beers. They also have a full menu, full of great Irish fare. The bar is relatively new.